September 1, 2007

Embrace the Promise

When we wake up in the morning,
there is promise in the air.
We don't know what the day will bring,
but the expectancy is there.

The time to be happy is now-
We have this day to explore.
Everyday is a special occasion-
What are YOU waiting for?

June 16, 2007


At the end of my days, how will God evaluate
the time spent with my fellow man?
Will I have satisfied the commission
of our Lord's ultimate plan?

Will I have loved my neighbor
as well as myself?
Will my "Must Do" list be completed
or still found "on the shelf"?

Did I abandon the longings,
the dreams, the vision?
Did I give in to circumstance,
the need for decision?

The still, small voice of the Spirit
breaks through-
"My child, stop fretting,
I'm not through with you."


Old enough to know that I should feed my spirit-
So my heart never wrinkles,
nourished by the thoughts within it.
No longer reminded of chronological age,
I would not be bound by a calendar page.
I would let the young woman within
have free reign-
Who knows what positive things
I would gain.

May 21, 2007

The Disease to Please

I am suffering a debilitating disease-
Self-diagnosed as "The disease to please".

I can't even tell you when it began-
I never knew it was common to man.

It compels you to say "yes" to every request-
It silently steals your time and your zest!

I struggled for years to form the word "No".
When I finally did, it amazed me so.

I actually believe that is the cure for me-
That one little word has set me free!

Time is so precious, I must take control-
New freedom for mind, spirit, and soul.

Be aware, dear friends. I am working on me.
No longer a prisoner to "yes"- I am free!

"Pardon me, what was it that you wanted to know?
I can't hear you..but the answer is "No"!

April 21, 2007


The tragedy brought to light this week
has saddened hearts everywhere.
Solace for the wounded and grieving
is at the heart of our fervent prayer.
We mourn the loss of our fellow man-
We digest the news as best we can.
Virginia Tech, like 9-11,
has raised our voice to God in Heaven.
Tragic things happen,
we try to reason why.
Something good must come from this-
Lord, we need to fly.
We must rise above the chaos,
negativity and fear-
Lord, we can be overcomers
as long as You are near.

April 14, 2007


Our life is so fleeting-
Where did the years go?
It seems like only yesterday
My heart was all aglow.
I looked forward to my future,
Optemism was foremost in my mind-
I never had been threatened,
I felt love for all mankind.
So naive in my thinking,
Ignorant of things above-
It took the pruning by the Master's hand
that I might know true love.
We've all heard of pruning-
Gardening books recommend it, too.
Not to be hateful, but sometimes
simply the right thing to do.
Say, you've forgotten to plant your packs of Impatiens.
and now they're simply towers-
No problem, just take some clippers
and "lop off their heads"-
You'll wind up with more flowers!
I have learned to walk by faith, not sight-
It is the Master Gardener that transforms darkness
into light.


The struggles in life are many-
In those times we begin to grow.
As the caterpillar becomes a butterfly,
Our metamorphosis is tedious and slow.
When God strips us of all vanity,
and we truly search our soul-
We ultimately find it is He that we need-
The One who can make us whole.
Others may fail us, oft no fault of their own-
But if we trust in our Savior,
We'll not walk alone.

April 5, 2007

The Wonders of Nature

I look through my kitchen window each day,
seeking, as I always do-
All the signs of God's presence
in the soul-stirring scene that I view.

It never ceases to amaze me
that His presence is everywhere.
The Easter Lilies are radiant
Postural, as though in prayer.

They are programmed to bloom at Easter,
then close for another year.
Their role is to glorify the Savior-
then silently disappear.

Springtime is a season
of new life with a goal.
New leaves are forming, flowers are budding-
there is a stirring in my soul.

I read an interesting quote this week by Max Lucado that I
would love to share with you.
"Next time a sunrise steals your breath, or a meadow of flowers
leaves you speechless, remain that way and say nothing- and listen
as Heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for You."

March 24, 2007

The Cat Walk

Cats are territorial
They love to mark their space-
But the way they've taken over
is truly a disgrace!

Quick and nimble,
Sly as a fox-
They've claimed my whole yard
As their "litter box"

A concrete walkway
was formed for Me-
to allow a path that was dirt free.

Designed to have "eye appeal",
as well as being practical-
Whoever dreamed the cats would think
that my plan was so radical!

The morning after cement was poured,
I went out to check the walk.
Tiny pawprints were everywhere-
Believe me, CATS CAN TALK!

Now my Window Wonder is,
as I look out at my view-
"Dear Lord, Did you send these cats
so I would "keep in touch" with YOU???

March 12, 2007

I have to be Me

I am fighting the battle of resistance-
I have to be Me, in spite of insistance.
The world is doing its best night and day-
to alter my thinking- to follow its way.
Commercials tell me what I should buy-
Etiquette dictates the "how" and the "why".
Experience has proven to be my friend-
My values I no longer have to defend.
Don't try to make me an image of you-
It is so refreshing to have one's own view.
No longer young, my spirit tells me-
In spite of man's thinking, I have to be Me!

March 1, 2007


I have heard it said that solitude is the soul's best friend.
It allows a quiet time within one's self to dream, to comprehend.

That's when we dream our dreams,
and pen our thoughts,
to bring them to fruition-
before they are ever verbalized
or expressed in composition.

It is only in the stillness of solitude, I find
the truth and purpose that brings peace of mind.

February 19, 2007

Counting One's Interests

"One should never count the years--one should count one's interests. I have kept young
trying never to lose my childhood sense of wonderment. I am glad I still have a vivid curiosity
about the world I live in."

Helen Keller, 1880-1968
Blind and Deaf American Writer and Scholar

The writer of that beautiful philosophy
expressed my sentiments so eloquently-
But I humbly acknowledge my advantage-
I can hear! And I can see!

But did she hear more clearly than I?
And did she see through the Master's eye?
Oh, how blessed to have the Master's touch-
to live to serve- to give so much.

May I never take for granted
the blessings of each day-
A kind word, a noble deed,
encouragement along the way.

February 13, 2007


People need people to validate their dreams-
No one is independent,
We all need someone, it seems.

A speaker needs a listener
to the language of his heart.
We all need recognition-
true listening is an art.

Do you truly sense the hunger
when a person speaks to you?
Or do you struggle with impatience
to express your point of view?

We may not all be Hemingways,
or famous for our prose,
But I sense a warm comraderie
in this group that grows...and grows.

February 9, 2007

When Does One Grow Old?

I woke up in the morning,
mind refreshed and full of hope.
There is so much I want to do-
all within my scope.

My mind is willing, my mind alert-
I'll spring right out of bed.
My mind is saying, "Go girl!"
but my back says, "Whoa", instead.

Ego! Yes, ego is the culprit
in this aging game we play.
I don't mind saying , "I'm 78,"
But, getting old???"No way!"

February 5, 2007

Photo Album Introduction

Throughout these pages you will see
the changes that took place in me-
From birth (when people stared in awe,
and wondered what it was they saw???)
To the present day, when those who thought---
"The stork that brought me ought to be shot",
Are now convinced.....he SHOULD be!!!

February 3, 2007


Somewhere there is a place for me
A place I have a need to be.
A new plateau, a goal to meet-
Purpose, direction, without defeat.

Oh, God, give me strength to greet each day
With a cheerful countenance,don't let me sway.

Please let me focus on the issues of life
That bring joy to others-
to relieve their strife.

To have victory over the enemy called Fear-
the energy and stamina to persevere.

The Trade-Off

Pigeons are not on my list of favorite creatures-
They destroy my peace of mind.
The feeder in my yard was dwarfed
by pigeons of every kind.

They came each day and flapped their wings
as they fought for a position.
The feedeer was too small, you see,
which affected their disposition.

My patio used to be a place
of quietness and contentment
Until the pigeons came in droves
and filled me with resentment.

"Lord", I cried, "I need your help.
I cannot stand their spats."
The Lord obliged, to my chagrin
and sent, instead, eight cats.

No squirrels, no birds, they fled in fear-
The cats, you see, do domineer.
Now you find no pigeons on Chipola.
God sent them all to Lake Eola!

January 30, 2007

Window Wonders

My kitchen has always been a busy place
that occupies my days.
It welcomes family and friends alike
And serves in many ways.
It has a picture window
where I often stand to view
The fascinations of nature
While cooking, perhaps, a stew.
I wonder why the Blue Jay
defies the danger of its play,
As he swoops down on the patio
to the cats' bowl everyday.
I put bird seed in the feeder
so safe up in the tree.
Why he prefers the cats' food
is a mystery to me.
And the scrawny little Hibiscus tree
was an epic in the making.
Oft full of buds that never bloomed,
My attention I was forsaking.
As I poured my morning coffee one day,
I glanced, as I always do,
to see what nature had in store for me-
My senses to renew.
Oh, Lord, I can't believe my eyes.
Is that really a flower I see?
What glorious color, and, oh so proud
Is that small Hibiscus tree.
Frost warnings came on the news all day-
"Protect your plants", the newscasters say.
So I spread the mulch over the roots of young trees
Praying, "Keep them all safe, dear Lord, please"
As I approached the small Hibiscus tree,
reality set in-
It's leaves were dry and curled up,
much to my chagrin.
The tree was supported by a tall green stick,
tied with a plastic band.
As I reached to straighten the little tree,
it broke off in my hand.
The beautiful flower was its swan song-
It must have known its fate.
It rewarded my window wonder
before it was too late!